Bazaarvoice iOS SDK Reference
The Bazaarvoice SDK is an iOS framework that provides an easy way to generate REST calls to the Bazaarvoice API.
SDK Organization:
The BVSDK is comprised of 4 main product features, also know as SDK modules. ALl features are initialized through a single SDK Manager: BVSDKManager. Each SDK product feature sits on top of two components required for all modules: BVCore and BVAnalytics.
The SDK modules are:
Global dependencies and helper tools for the below modules
Global UI dependencies and helper tools for the below modules
BVPixel; analytics tracking of transaction and non-commerce analytics.
API and analytics for the Conversations API.
API and analytics for the Conversations API related to Stores.
UI components related to the Conversations API.
API and analytics for the Curations API.
UI components related to the Conversations API.
Notification tools related to BVEvents.
API, UI widgets, and analytics for the Product Recommendations API.
Please consult the BVSDK Docs for more details on installing and using the SDK modules.
Class References
- BVAnalyticEventManager
- BVAnswer
- BVAnswerCollectionViewCell
- BVAnswerSubmission
- BVAnswerSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVAnswerSubmissionResponse
- BVAnswerTableViewCell
- BVAnswerView
- BVAnswersCollectionView
- BVAnswersTableView
- BVAuthenticatedUser
- BVAuthor
- BVAuthorRequest
- BVAuthorResponse
- BVBadge
- BVBadgeTypeUtil
- BVBaseAnalyticsHelper
- BVBasePIIEvent
- BVBaseProductRequest
- BVBaseProductsRequest
- BVBaseReviewsRequest
- BVBaseSortableProductRequest
- BVBaseUGCSubmission
- BVBrand
- BVBulkProductRequest
- BVBulkProductResponse
- BVBulkRatingsRequest
- BVBulkRatingsResponse
- BVBulkStoreItemsRequest
- BVBulkStoresResponse
- BVComment
- BVCommentSubmission
- BVCommentSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVCommentSubmissionResponse
- BVCommentsRequest
- BVCommentsResponse
- BVContextDataValue
- BVConversationsRequest
- BVConversionEvent
- BVCurationsCoordinates
- BVCurationsFeedItem
- BVCurationsFeedLoader
- BVCurationsFeedRequest
- BVCurationsPhoto
- BVCurationsPostAuthor
- BVCurationsProductDetail
- BVCurationsUICollectionView
- BVCurationsUICollectionViewCell
- BVCurationsVideo
- BVDiagnosticHelpers
- BVDimensionElement
- BVDisplayErrorResponse
- BVDisplayResponse
- BVDisplayResultResponse
- BVDisplayResultsResponse
- BVDistributionElement
- BVDistributionValue
- BVFeatureUsedEvent
- BVFeedbackHelpfulnessResponse
- BVFeedbackInappropriateResponse
- BVFeedbackSubmission
- BVFeedbackSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVFeedbackSubmissionResponse
- BVFormField
- BVFormFieldOptions
- BVFormInputTypeUtil
- BVGenericConversationsResult
- BVImpressionEvent
- BVInViewEvent
- BVLogger
- BVNotificationConfiguration
- BVNotificationProperties
- BVNotificationViewController
- BVNotificationsAnalyticsHelper
- BVOpenURLMetaData
- BVPageViewEvent
- BVPersonalizationEvent
- BVPhoto
- BVPhotoSizes
- BVPhotoSubmission
- BVPhotoSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVPhotoSubmissionResponse
- BVPixel
- BVPixelFeatureUsedEventNameUtil
- BVPixelImpressionContentTypeUtil
- BVPixelProductTypeUtil
- BVProduct
- BVProductDisplayPageCollectionViewController
- BVProductDisplayPageRequest
- BVProductDisplayPageTableViewController
- BVProductDisplayPageViewController
- BVProductRecommendationView
- BVProductRecommendationsCollectionView
- BVProductRecommendationsContainer
- BVProductRecommendationsTableView
- BVProductReview
- BVProductReviewNotificationCenter
- BVProductReviewNotificationConfigurationLoader
- BVProductReviewNotificationProperties
- BVProductReviewNotificationViewController
- BVProductReviewRichNotificationCenter
- BVProductReviewSimpleNotificationCenter
- BVProductStatistics
- BVProductTextSearchRequest
- BVProductsResponse
- BVQAStatistics
- BVQuestion
- BVQuestionCollectionViewCell
- BVQuestionSubmission
- BVQuestionSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVQuestionSubmissionResponse
- BVQuestionTableViewCell
- BVQuestionView
- BVQuestionsAndAnswersRequest
- BVQuestionsAndAnswersResponse
- BVQuestionsCollectionView
- BVQuestionsTableView
- BVRatingDistribution
- BVRecommendationCollectionViewCell
- BVRecommendationTableViewCell
- BVRecommendationsLoader
- BVRecommendationsRequest
- BVRecommendedProduct
- BVRecsAnalyticsHelper
- BVReview
- BVReviewCollectionViewCell
- BVReviewStatistic
- BVReviewStatistics
- BVReviewSubmission
- BVReviewSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVReviewSubmissionResponse
- BVReviewTableViewCell
- BVReviewView
- BVReviewsCollectionView
- BVReviewsRequest
- BVReviewsResponse
- BVReviewsTableView
- BVSDKManager
- BVSecondaryRating
- BVSecondaryRatingsAverages
- BVShopperProfile
- BVStore
- BVStoreLocation
- BVStoreNotificationConfigurationLoader
- BVStoreReviewNotificationCenter
- BVStoreReviewNotificationProperties
- BVStoreReviewNotificationViewController
- BVStoreReviewRichNotificationCenter
- BVStoreReviewSimpleNotificationCenter
- BVStoreReviewSubmission
- BVStoreReviewsRequest
- BVStoreReviewsResponse
- BVStoreReviewsTableView
- BVSubmission
- BVSubmissionActionUtil
- BVSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVSubmissionResponse
- BVSubmittedAnswer
- BVSubmittedComment
- BVSubmittedFeedback
- BVSubmittedPhoto
- BVSubmittedQuestion
- BVSubmittedReview
- BVSubmittedType
- BVSubmittedUAS
- BVSyndicationSource
- BVTransactionEvent
- BVTransactionItem
- BVUASSubmission
- BVUASSubmissionErrorResponse
- BVUASSubmissionResponse
- BVUploadableStorePhoto
- BVUploadableYouTubeVideo
- BVVideo
- BVViewedCGCEvent
- BVViewsHelper
Protocol References
- BVAnalyticEvent
- BVCurationsUICollectionViewDelegate
- BVDisplayableProductContent
- BVNotificationCenterObject
- BVProductNotificationCenterObject
- BVRecommendationsContainerProtocol
- BVStoreNotificationCenterObject
- BVURLSessionDelegate
Constant References
- BVAnswersSortOptionValue
- BVAuthorIncludeTypeValue
- BVBadgeType
- BVBulkRatingFilterValue
- BVBulkRatingIncludeTypeValue
- BVCommentFilterValue
- BVCommentIncludeTypeValue
- BVCommentsSortOptionValue
- BVConfigurationType
- BVCurationsUILayout
- BVErrorCode
- BVFeedbackContentType
- BVFeedbackType
- BVFeedbackVote
- BVFormInputType
- BVLogLevel
- BVMonotonicSortOrderValue
- BVPhotoContentType
- BVPixelFeatureUsedEventName
- BVPixelImpressionContentType
- BVPixelProductType
- BVProductFilterValue
- BVProductIncludeTypeValue
- BVProductRecommendationWidget
- BVProductsSortOptionValue
- BVQuestionFilterValue
- BVQuestionsSortOptionValue
- BVRecommendationsRequestInclude
- BVRecommendationsRequestPurpose
- BVRelationalFilterOperatorValue
- BVReviewFilterValue
- BVReviewIncludeTypeValue
- BVReviewsSortOptionValue
- BVStoreIncludeTypeValue
- BVSubmissionAction
- BVSubmissionErrorCode