BVBasePIIEvent Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to BVAnalyticEvent
Declared in BVBasePIIEvent.h

– initWithParams:

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithParams:(nullable NSDictionary *)params

– __unavailable

- (nonnull instancetype)__unavailable

– getNonPII:

Creates a raw dictionary event that removes any possibly personally identifiable information. These events are fine to send with IDFA.

- (nonnull NSDictionary *)getNonPII:(nullable NSDictionary *)params



The additional parameters added to the event creation

Return Value

The fully created event that can be sent to Bazaarvoice Analytics.

Declared In


– hasPII

Does this event have PII?

- (BOOL)hasPII

Return Value

True if there are additional parameters added that are not explicitly white-listed.

Declared In


– getLoadId

- (nonnull NSString *)getLoadId