BVBulkStoreItemsRequest Class Reference

Inherits from BVConversationsRequest : NSObject
Declared in BVBulkStoreItemsRequest.h


Use the BVBulkStoreItemsRequest object for making requests to either fetch

stores by limit and offset, or by specific store Id(s). Please use the designated initializers for each use case:

• init:(int)limit offset:(int)offset - Use this initializer when you want to

load multiple stores in batches. • (nonnull instancetype)initWithStoreIds:(NSArray * nonnull)storeIds - Use this initializer when you know the store Id or Ids you want to fetch.

– init:offset:

Initialize fetching of stores when requesting many store objects at once and/or paging

- (nonnull instancetype)init:(NSUInteger)limit offset:(NSUInteger)offset

Declared In


– initWithStoreIds:

Initialize to return a specific set of store Ids

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStoreIds:(nonnull NSArray *)storeIds

Declared In


– __unavailable

- (nonnull instancetype)__unavailable

– includeStatistics:

When you apply reviews to the content type, you will get review statistics in the BVStore object(s)

- (nonnull instancetype)includeStatistics:(BVStoreIncludeTypeValue)storeIncludeTypeValue

Declared In


– load:failure:

Make the asynchronous call from the request object.

- (void)load:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( BVBulkStoresResponse *__nonnull response ))success failure:(nonnull ConversationsFailureHandler)failure

Declared In


– endpoint

- (nonnull NSString *)endpoint

– createParams

- (nonnull NSMutableArray *)createParams