BVBulkStoreItemsRequest Class Reference
Inherits from | BVConversationsRequest : NSObject |
Declared in | BVBulkStoreItemsRequest.h |
Use the BVBulkStoreItemsRequest object for making requests to either fetch
stores by limit and offset, or by specific store Id(s). Please use the designated initializers for each use case:
• init:(int)limit offset:(int)offset - Use this initializer when you want to
load multiple stores in batches. • (nonnull instancetype)initWithStoreIds:(NSArray * nonnull)storeIds - Use this initializer when you know the store Id or Ids you want to fetch.
– init:offset:
Initialize fetching of stores when requesting many store objects at once and/or paging
- (nonnull instancetype)init:(NSUInteger)limit offset:(NSUInteger)offset
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– initWithStoreIds:
Initialize to return a specific set of store Ids
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStoreIds:(nonnull NSArray *)storeIds
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– includeStatistics:
When you apply reviews to the content type, you will get review statistics in the BVStore object(s)
- (nonnull instancetype)includeStatistics:(BVStoreIncludeTypeValue)storeIncludeTypeValue
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– load:failure:
Make the asynchronous call from the request object.
- (void)load:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( BVBulkStoresResponse *__nonnull response ))success failure:(nonnull ConversationsFailureHandler)failure
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