BVFeedbackSubmission Class Reference

Inherits from BVSubmission
Conforms to *
Declared in BVFeedbackSubmission.h


Class to use to submit a feedback to the Bazaarvoice platform.

You can use the submission request class to send helpfulness votes or flag inappropriate content for reviews, questions, or answers.

For a description of possible fields see our API documentation at:

@availability BVSDK 6.1.0 and later


@property (nonnull) NSString *contentId


@property BVFeedbackContentType contentType


@property BVFeedbackType feedbackType


@property BVFeedbackVote vote


@property (nonnull) NSString *userId


@property (nullable) NSString *reasonText

– initWithContentId:withContentType:withFeedbackType:

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithContentId:(nonnull NSString *)contentId withContentType:(BVFeedbackContentType)contentType withFeedbackType:(BVFeedbackType)feedbackType

– __unavailable

- (nonnull instancetype)__unavailable