BVAuthorRequest Class Reference

Inherits from BVConversationsRequest : NSObject
Declared in BVAuthorRequest.h


This class allow you to build request parameters and request a user profile (author) and accepted content (Reviews, Questions, Answers) the author has submitted. The request builder conforms to parameters described in


@property (nonnull, readonly) NSString *authorId

– initWithAuthorId:

The id for the author’s profile you are trying to fetch

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAuthorId:(nonnull NSString *)authorId

Declared In


– __unavailable

- (nonnull instancetype)__unavailable

– includeStatistics:

Add the statistics for the content type. Call multiple times for more than one submission type.

- (nonnull instancetype)includeStatistics:(BVAuthorIncludeTypeValue)authorIncludeTypeValue

Declared In


– includeAuthorIncludeTypeValue:limit:

The type of submitted content to include. Call once for each type of Reviews, Questions, Answers.

- (nonnull instancetype)includeAuthorIncludeTypeValue:(BVAuthorIncludeTypeValue)authorIncludeTypeValue limit:(NSUInteger)limit

Declared In


– sortByReviewsSortOptionValue:monotonicSortOrderValue:

When Reviews are included in the response, optinally add one or more sort parameters.

- (nonnull instancetype)sortByReviewsSortOptionValue:(BVReviewsSortOptionValue)reviewsSortOptionValue monotonicSortOrderValue:(BVMonotonicSortOrderValue)monotonicSortOrderValue

Declared In


– sortByQuestionsSortOptionValue:monotonicSortOrderValue:

When Questions are included in the response, optinally add one or more sort parameters.

- (nonnull instancetype)sortByQuestionsSortOptionValue:(BVQuestionsSortOptionValue)questionsSortOptionValue monotonicSortOrderValue:(BVMonotonicSortOrderValue)monotonicSortOrderValue

Declared In


– sortByAnswersSortOptionValue:monotonicSortOrderValue:

When Answers are included in the response, optinally add one or more sort parameters.

- (nonnull instancetype)sortByAnswersSortOptionValue:(BVAnswersSortOptionValue)answersSortOptionValue monotonicSortOrderValue:(BVMonotonicSortOrderValue)monotonicSortOrderValue

Declared In


– load:failure:

Make an asynch http request to fetch the Author’s profile data. See the BVAuthorResponse model for available fields.

- (void)load:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( BVAuthorResponse *__nonnull response ))success failure:(nonnull ConversationsFailureHandler)failure

Declared In
