BVBadge Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in BVBadge.h


The BadgeType lists the badge category. Values include “Merit”, “Custom”, “Affiliation”, and “Rank”. These are codes internal to Bazaarvoice.

@property BVBadgeType badgeType

Declared In



The badge Id can be used to obtain the related ContextDataValues that can also be returned in the API repsonse when configured. ContextDataValues can contain additional metadata such as a label to be displayed rather than an icon or ToolTip copy.

@property (nullable) NSString *identifier

Declared In



The badge ContentType indicates the specific item the badge is meant for. Typical values are ‘REVIEWS’, ‘QUESTIONS’, or ‘ANSWERS’.

@property (nullable) NSString *contentType

Declared In


– initWithApiResponse:

- (nonnull id)initWithApiResponse:(nonnull NSDictionary *)apiResponse