Emodb Maven SDK

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EmoDB Maven SDK

The EmoDB SDK Maven plugin can be used to start a local EmoDB Server (along with Cassandra and Zookeeper). It can also be used in conjuction with maven failsafe plugin to start the EmoDB Server during pre-integration-test phase and stop it during the post-integration-test phase.

Here is an example usage of the plugin:

<!-- Start/stop a local zookeeper, cassandra and emodb server. Runs inside the Maven launcher's JVM. -->
              <waitForInterrupt>true</waitForInterrupt>  <!-- require kill signal to stop server -->

By setting waitForInterrupt = false, the server will be stopped in the post-integration-test phase.

The plugin uses a default EmoDB configuration file. To use a different configuration, you can supply a path for the configuration file:

        <waitForInterrupt>true</waitForInterrupt>  <!-- require kill signal to stop server -->

You can supply a list of roles and API keys to be automatically available once EmoDB has started. This may be necessary if your application makes EmoDB API requests which require specific permissions. Ideally the permissions granted by your integration tests would match the actual permissions that your application would be granted in production.

The following example demonstrates creating a single role and associating it with an API key. Any number of roles and API keys can be provided. The only restriction is that each API key must be a 48 character alpha-numeric string.

                    <!-- Grant role full permissions for sor and databus operations -->